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Robert Muntean




UNC Gallery is proud to present Closer, a solo exhibition by Austrian artist Robert Muntean, opening this fall. Known for his dynamic interplay between abstraction and figuration, Muntean invites viewers to engage with his latest body of work, where relationships—between figures, colors, and sound and vision—take center stage.

"Music touches you directly on an emotional level. I want my paintings to reach that same depth of feeling." — Robert Muntean

The title Closerreflects the intimacy and emotional resonance that Muntean's paintings evoke. Deeply rooted in his connection to music, Muntean's work explores the transformative power of sound as a way to probe the ambiguity of human presence. In this exhibition, he navigates the delicate balance between the concrete and the abstract, capturing moments where energy and emotion coalesce into visual form. His process, much like improvisational music, blends spontaneity with intentionality. Colors and figures emerge from abstract forms, only to be reshaped, obscured, or accentuated as the work evolves.

Muntean’s approach to painting mirrors the raw, unstructured nature of early industrial and no wave music. These genres break from traditional musical forms, creating a new sense of order within chaos. Similarly, Muntean’s work explores the tension between disorder and harmony, conflict and resolution. This influence is evident in his use of color and form as well. In Closer, he adopts a lighter, more melodic palette, evoking calm and introspection. This shift marks a departure from the bold, dynamic strokes of his earlier works, reflecting his desire to offer moments of beauty and reassurance amidst the overwhelming chaos of the modern world.

At the heart of Muntean’s work is a focus on figures that are open and diaphanous, reflecting a state of vulnerability and transition. Barely discernible at times, these figures emerge from abstract backgrounds, evoking a sense of solitude while blending seamlessly with their surroundings. This fluidity transcends the boundaries between abstraction and figuration, presence and absence.

Among the 18 works in the exhibition, special attention is drawn to Some Velvet Morning, a piece that epitomizes Muntean’s spontaneous creative flow. The painting begins with cloud-like formations of magenta and blue, gradually revealing two fragile figures that seem to emerge naturally from the interplay of colors. As in much of his work, the figures appear to absorb their surroundings, constructing a quiet yet potent narrative that encourages viewers to linger in its ambiguity.

"When I paint, I like to deconstruct forms, breaking up elements to get closer to the essence of a figure. It's more about evoking the presence of a figure than creating a portrait. The figure should be as open and diaphanous as music is." — Robert Muntean

In Closer, Muntean captures the complex dance of emotions within human relationships, revealing the interplay of beauty and pain, and the conflicting emotions that arise from these connections. The exhibition invites us to navigate the fog of these relationships, guiding us gently toward the primal essence of human experience. In the powerful emotional landscapes Muntean creates, viewers are encouraged to reflect on the true meaning of connection—something we may have lost along the way.


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